Email Search

Email Search & B2B Database
(Coming Soon)

Email Search and B2B Database helps you find emails of people working in target companies on specific job roles.

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Trusted by 11500+ businesses across the world

G2 Award for High Performer
G2 Award for High Performer
G2 Award for Best ROI
Find Verified B2B Email Addresses

Verified Emails

SalesBlink will verify the email addresses you search for in real time and provide a confidence score.

Use Multiple Filters to find B2B Leads

Multiple Filters

Other than email address, you can find the leads by Job Title, Company, Location and other filters.

SalesBlink leads database has over 250 million b2b leads

Huge Database

Our lead database houses 250Mn+ leads from over 20Mn+ Companies, updated every month to provide you with the latest email addresses.

SalesBlink is a high performer in sales SalesBlink provides best ROI for sales

Let's You Find
Anyone's Work Email

Coming Soon

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Email Search?

Email Search lets you find emails of decision makers in your target companies. You can filter leads by job title, company & more.

Are The Email Addresses Guesses Or Found Somewhere?

The email addresses are found from public sources and then undergo multi-step SMTP email verification. Therefore, SalesBlink's email search tool is reliable at giving you accurate leads.

What Is The Accuracy Of SalesBlink's Email Search?

We provide confidence score when you search for anyone's email address. Confidence score is based on Email Verification, which makes the emails highly accurate.

How are my Email Search credits used?

We only deduct a credit when we provide you a verified email address with a 99% confidence score.

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